Online Classes

How it works

Online classes are conducted via Skype or Zoom Meeting that require minimal set-up and work on all computers and mobile devices. The classes on one to one or in small groups. Both adult and children can register. Currently, subjects taught are the recitation of the Qur'an and Qur'an memorization. First, you send us your available weekly times. Based on that, we select an instructor that fits your schedule and preferences. You then pay for the classes based on the subscription model you selected and get started with your lessons online.


A maximum of 2 absences per month are excused, which means that the teacher will make up for the missed classes. However, the student should let the teacher know at least 24 hours ahead of time if he/she will not be able to attend the class. Under normal circumstances, not more than 2 classes can be re-scheduled on a monthly basis. (This does not include circumstances like death in the family & unplanned travel). These policies are important specially for online classes in order to keep the student motivation going.

10 Lessons




  • Total: $250
30 lessons




  • Total: $690